Call for Papers

We welcome researchers in the field to submit papers to be presented in pitch-talks and as posters. Submitted manuscripts can be at most 4 pages (excluding references), formatted according to ICRA standards using the Paper Template downloadable on the IEEE ICRA 2024 website (two-column format). We encourage authors to additionally submit a video clip to complement their manuscript. Submissions will be reviewed and selected based on their originality, relevance to the workshop topics, contributions, technical clarity, and presentation.

We will be accepting submissions through CMT, at

  • Submission Deadline: April 1 2024
  • Author Notification: April 20, 2024
  • Workshop: May 13, 2024
We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Topics of Interest
  • Motion trajectory prediction in 2D and 3D
  • Predicting articulated human motion
  • Early action and activity recognition
  • Motion and Task Planning in dynamic environments considering motion predictions
  • Uncertainties related to prediction inputs/outputs and their propagation
  • Anticipation of group and crowd motion
  • Human motion prediction and safety
  • Human-robot Interaction considering predictions
  • Evaluation of prediction algorithms: datasets, metrics and benchmarks
  • Predictive planning and control
  • Applications of motion prediction techniques
  • Visual scene prediction

Program committee

  • Tim Schreiter, TUM
  • Yufei Zhu, University of Örebro
  • Nishant Rai, Stanford
  • Marcel Hallgarten, Bosch
  • Boris Ivanovic, NVIDIA Research
  • Ronny Hug, Fraunhofer
  • Junyi Shi, Aalto University
  • Andrea Bajcsy, UC Berkeley
  • Francesco Del Duchetto, University of Lincoln
  • Divya Thuremella, Oxford
  • Nils Mandischer, RWTH Aachen University
  • Till Hielscher, University of Stuttgart
  • Tomasz P. Kucner, Aalto University
  • Stefan Becker, Fraunhofer
  • Luigi Palmieri, Bosch
  • Tiago Almeida, University of Örebro
  • Burkhard Corves, RWTH Aachen University
  • Sariah Mghames, University of Lincoln
  • Luca Castri, University of Lincoln
  • Yuchen Liu, Bosch
  • Faris Janjos, Bosch
  • Lukas Heuer, Bosch
  • Nemanja Djuric, Aurora
  • Chongfeng Wei, Queen’s University Belfast
  • Tim Salzmann, TUM


The following papers are selected to be presented at the workshop. Click on the title to see the pdf.

Paper ID Authors Title
1 Chenhao Li FLD: Fourier Latent Dynamics for Structured Motion Representation and Learning
2 Francesco Verdoja, Tomasz Piotr Kucner, Ville Kyrki Using occupancy priors to generalize people flow predictions
3 Justin Lidard, Hang Pham, Ariel Bachman, Bryan Boateng, Anirudha Majumdar Risk-Calibrated Human-Robot Interaction via Set-Valued Intent Prediction
4 Kushal Kedia, Atiksh Bhardwaj, Prithwish Dan, Sanjiban Choudhury InteRACT: Transformer Models for Human Intent Prediction Conditioned on Robot Actions
5 Till Hielscher, Lukas Heuer, Frederik Wulle, Luigi Palmieri Towards Using Fast Embedded Model Predictive Control for Human-Aware Predictive Robot Navigation
6 Andrei Ivanovic, Masha Itkina, Rowan McAllister, Igor Gilitschenski, Florian Shkurti On the Importance of Uncertainty Calibration in Perception-Based Motion Planning
7 Kazuki Mizuta, Karen Leung CoBL-Diffusion: Diffusion-Based Conditional Robot Planning in Dynamic Environments Using Control Barrier and Lyapunov Functions
8 Claire Liang, Valerie Chen Persistent Homology for Capturing Social Structure and Cohesion of F-Formation Groups
9 Ronny Hug, Stefan Becker, Wolfgang Hübner, Michael Arens Generating Synthetic Ground Truth Distributions for Multi-step Trajectory Prediction using Probabilistic Composite Bézier Curves
10 Ali Imran, Giovanni Beltrame, David St-Onge Decentralized Multi-Robot Shared Perception for Worker Action Inference in Industrial Facilities
11 Yuchen Liu, Luigi Palmieri, Sebastian Koch, Ilche Georgievski, Marco Aiello Towards Human Awareness in Robot Task Planning with Large Language Models